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New releases

How we release

The NLX team releases new versions roughly every two weeks, to deliver security updates, fix known issues and introduce new features. Our releases follow SemVer and have the structure MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. We increment:

  • MAJOR, when we make a breaking change,

  • MINOR, when we add a new functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and

  • PATCH, when we make backwards compatible bug fixes.

    Organizations are adviced to update their NLX components every two weeks to ensure compatibility with the central components and components of other organizations.


New versions are announced on the releases page. It is also possible to subscribe to new version tags through RSS.

Deprecation policy

We try to minimize the effort for administrators to keep up with new NLX versions. When we are not able to make the change in a backward-compatible manner, there is no other option than to upgrade to the new version. During the sprint reviews, stakeholders will be informed about upcoming changes and are encouraged to collaborate with the scrum team to maximize value addition.

If you want to attend the sprint reviews, please send a message to