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Request a production certificate

In production environment we trust PKIoverheid certificates issued under the Staat der Nederlanden Private Root CA - G1. A certificate can be requested at one of the Trusted Service Providers (TSP's).

Double check the type of certificate you are requesting. Only certificates issued under the G1 private root will work on NLX. Certificates issued under the EV, G2 or G3 root will not work.

Connect to production

The process of connecting to the NLX production environment consists of the following phases:

  • An organization generates a private key and certificate signing request (CSR).
  • A certificate is requested at one of the TSPs using the CSR.
  • The organization installs the certificate on their NLX inways / outways and connects to the NLX pre-production environment.
  • (optional) The organization can request a voluntary audit of their infrastructure from the NLX support team by sending an email to
  • After verifying the setup, the organization connects to the production environment using the same certificate.

Generate a private key and CSR

A private key and certificate signing request for the (pre-)production environment can be generated with the following command:

Replace <fqdn-of-your-inway> with the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of your Inway. E.g. or

openssl req  -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:<fqdn-of-your-inway>" -utf8 -nodes -sha256 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout org.key -out org.csr

OpenSSL >= v1.1.1 is required, since we need support for the -addext flag

Answer the questions accordingly:

  • Country Name, enter Netherlands
  • State, enter the name of the province, e.g. Utrecht
  • Locality Name, enter the name of the city, e.g. Utrecht
  • Organization Name, enter your organization name (please use a URL-friendly value with a maximum length of 100 characters)
  • Organization Unit Name, enter the name of your organization unit name (optional)
  • Common name, FQDN of your Inway or Outway. For an Outway this FQDN does not have to be resolvable. It is possible to use the Inway certificate for the Outway and NLX Management.
  • Email Address, enter your email address (optional)
  • A challenge password, omit this value

The command outputs two files: org.key, the private key and org.csr, the certificate signing request.


Keep your private key securely stored and do not transfer the private key org.key unprotectedly.

Request a certificate

To request a Staat der Nederlanden Private Root CA - G1 certificate, contact one of the Trusted Service Providers (TSPs):

Follow the approval process and submit the certificate signing request org.csr. When you retrieved the certificate, name the files accordingly:

  • root.crt, the certificate of the Staat der Nederlanden Private Root CA - G1
  • org.crt, the certificate you retrieved from the TSP, including the intermediate CA certificates
  • org.key, the private key you generated with the OpenSSL command

Using the certificate

When connecting to the NLX network using your PKIoverheid certificate, it is required to offer the entire certificate chain, without the complete chain you will be unable to connect to the NLX network. You can offer the entire chain by concatenating the certificates into a single file starting with the end-user certificate and followed by the intermediate CA certificates.


Inways and outways use the DIRECTORY_ADDRESS setting to connect to the directory. Use the following values to connect to the (pre-)production environments:



