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User management

NLX Management supports authentication for users with various roles. In this guide we'll explain how to add users and roles.

Adding a new user

A new user can be added using the Management API binary which is included in the Docker image named nlxio/management-api.

The command below adds a new user with email address admin@nlx.local and role admin. The PostgreSQL DSN should be replaced with your own credentials.

docker run --rm --net=host nlxio/management-api nlx-management-api create-user --email admin@nlx.local --role admin \
--postgres-dsn "postgres://postgres:postgres@"

Adding a new role

A new role can be added by running a SQL query directly in the PostgreSQL database.

The example query below adds a new role named 'readonly' with a limited set of read only permissions. For all options, please take a look at the complete list of available permission codes.

BEGIN transaction;

INSERT INTO nlx_management.roles (code) VALUES ('readonly');

INSERT INTO nlx_management.permissions_roles
(role_code, permission_code)
('readonly', ''),
('readonly', ''),
('readonly', ''),
('readonly', ''),
('readonly', ''),
('readonly', ''),
('readonly', ''),
('readonly', ''),
('readonly', ''),
('readonly', ''),
('readonly', ''),
('readonly', ''),
('readonly', ''),
('readonly', ''),
('readonly', '');