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4. Install NLX Management

We are now going to install NLX management. NLX management is an API and a web interface with which an NLX installation can be managed.

If you have not installed Postgres via the Bitnami chart as described in this guide then you need to make sure that a database called nlx_management exists.

Install internal certificate

Run the following command to install the internal NLX management certificate on the Kubernetes cluster

kubectl -n nlx apply -f management-internal-tls.yaml

NLX management chart

We are now going to create a configuration file for the NLX management installation. Open the file nlx-management-values.yaml in a text editor and edit the values below:

  • <hostname nlx-management> replace this with the hostname on which your NLX management should run eg: IMPORTANT: this DNS entry must already exist and resolve to the ingress controller
  • <postgres-password> replace this with the Postgres password you saved earlier.
  • The values <file: [name]> must be replaced by the contents of the named file. You have all these files in your working directory.
    • Copy the contents of the files excluding the '-----BEGIN XXXXXXXXX-----' and '-----END XXXXXXXXX-----' lines.
    • Paste the content between the start and end lines and make sure the alignment is the same as the start and end lines
    • Save the modified file

Make sure to save the file. Next, let's install NLX Management:

helm repo add commonground

helm repo update

helm -n nlx upgrade --install management -f nlx-management-values.yaml commonground/nlx-management

Now open your browser and go to NLX management (should be located at the hostname you entered) and see if the NLX management start page is displayed. You cannot log in yet.

Create NLX management administrator

Now we need to create an administrator for NLX management. Open the job-create-administrator.yaml file in an editor, edit the values below and save the file:

  • <postgres_password> with the Postgres password you saved earlier.
  • It is also possible to change (user) and password (password).

Then run the following command:

kubectl -n nlx apply -f job-create-administrator.yaml

An administrator account has now been created that you can use to log in to NLX management.

Open NLX management and log in with the following data (or with the data you have adjusted)

email: password: password

Accepting the Terms of Service (ToS)

You will have to accept the Terms of Service before you can make use of the NLX network. You can do so by logging in to NLX Management. Please review the terms carefully before accepting them.